Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings into routine practice.
The field of implementation science has gained significant ground in the last decade and is receiving increasing attention across health services seeking to improve the quality of care and clinical outcomes. Implementation and the study thereof are a strategic priority within the JBI Evidence Implementation Network. Staff across all health professions are invited to actively participate in the JBI Evidence Implementation Network and contribute to our research programs.
The framework for this global, programmatic approach to the study of implementation is informed by gaps in knowledge related to FAME.
These four domains aligned with the JBI Model, are designed to:
- Enable local and international collaboration which informs and contributes to relevant methodology groups
- Create publication opportunities and avenues for participants to engage with the JBI Implementation Science Methodology Group
- Enable participants to gain status as a JBI Fellow in Implementation Science
given available organisation resources
given the implementation context
family and staff
Conceptual, methodological and applied research projects are available and have been defined into programs of research and topic areas suited to synthesis/systematic reviews, evaluation studies and primary research. These programs of research are well suited to early career researchers, synthesis groups or individuals seeking to collaborate internationally in the development and publication of new knowledge related to implementation.